Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans

Vintage Guitars,
New Orleans,

In June, I went to New Orleans for the Golden Crown Literary Society Convention. Everyone, from the taxi drivers to the hotel staff to the fiction "addicts" from the area were gracious and friendly, always mixing courtesy with a flash of humour. Because my time in New Orleans was brief, and convention activities were many, I didn't get out of the hotel much. I swore that for NEXT YEAR's convention, I would schedule one or two extra days to see something of the city, perhaps take a tour, certainly spend time on Bourbon Street.

Next year. Now Hurricane Katrina is threatening New Orleans and its people with a storm surge predicted to be between 18 and 28 feet. New Orleans, remember, is at or below sea level, and only her levies normally keep the Gulf of Mexico from covering the land. People are "buried" above ground, because the ground is too saturated for burial "six feet under."

Here's hoping the people of New Orleans, now under an evacuation order, make it safely through the storm. Here's hoping the city itself has less damage than is being predicted. And here's hoping the U.S. government delivers the promised help to the whole region after the storm.

New Orleans, I'll see you again next year.


Blogger velvetdagger said...

Looks like they narrowly missed a direct hit (barely), but there will be significant flooding, given, as you mentioned, their sea level level. We had the same thing in Houston during TS Alison.

We love NO and don't get there enough. Maybe we can meet up there during your convention.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Wishes said...

You might consider attending the convention. In 2005 it was at the NO Renaissance Arts--you wouldn't believe how low the convention rate was for that very good hotel. The GCLS sessions were informative--Karin Kallmaker, Radclyffe, D.C. Elmore,Lori L. Lake, etc. Nann Dunna, Vada and Verda Foster, and BL Miller were also there. And I met in person Tara and Sheri, my editor and cover artist for Counterfeit World. Next year's convention will be in the same place, just a little earlier in June. See for details about the organization.

2:37 PM  

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